
Showing posts from April, 2024

Easy Entertaining: 10 Tips for Laid-Back Gatherings

Here at the farm, our doors are always open, and friends are welcome to drop by anytime. Over the years, we've learned a thing or two about hosting casual gatherings that turn ordinary moments into cherished memories. Whether it's a spontaneous visit or a planned get-together, these tips will help you create a relaxed atmosphere where connections flourish and laughter fills the air. Join us as we share some of our favorite tips for embracing the beauty of farmhouse gatherings. 1. Keep It Low-Key : Embrace the simplicity of casual gatherings. No need for elaborate plans or fancy decorations. Just focus on spending quality time with friends. 2. BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage):  Simplify your hosting duties by adopting a BYOB policy. Guests can bring their favorite drinks, ensuring everyone has something they enjoy without putting pressure on you, the host. 3. Easy Snacks Only: Stick to simple and easy-to-prepare snacks like chips and dip, cheese and crackers, or a vegg

Creamy Ranch Corn Salad

Creamy Ranch Corn Salad: A Taste of Summer, Anytime As the seasons transition and the thought of fresh produce is on our minds there no need to compromise on flavor, frozen corn steps in to fill the gap! This versatile ingredient forms the base of a delightful dish: creamy ranch corn salad. This time-saving recipe requires minimal prep work—no shucking or slicing required. Simply thaw a bag of frozen corn and mix it with a creamy blend of mayonnaise and ranch dressing mix. Add a burst of freshness with chopped cilantro, sweet peppers, and minced red onion. The result? A vibrant salad that bursts with flavor, reminiscent of summer days. But the beauty of creamy ranch corn salad extends beyond its simplicity. With barbecue season on the horizon, it serves as the perfect side dish to complement grilled favorites. Its creamy texture and zesty ranch flavor elevate any outdoor gathering, making it a staple on the picnic table. Creamy Ranch Corn Salad Recipe: Ingredients : - 1 bag

Rambling from Ole Ma....

As the vibrant hues of spring paint the landscape and the air hums with the promise of growth, our farm comes alive in an explosion of activity. This time of year, as visitors begin to trickle in, this Ole Ma finds herself reflecting on the profound blessings that each season brings and the unique opportunities it affords us to connect with others and nurture the next generation. Today, as we prepared to welcome a homeschool tour to our farm, I'm reminded once again of the sheer joy of having children here, interacting with the animals and brimming with curiosity. There's something inherently special about witnessing the wide-eyed wonder and curiosity of those young minds as they learn firsthand where their food comes from. As they pet our sweet cows or giggle at the chickens antics and , a sense of connection  is fostered—a connection that we believe is essential for fostering a deeper appreciation for the food on their plates. But our commitment to education doesn't end t

Savings and Sustainability In This Week's Newsletter...

Welcome to The Herd! Happy Wednesday herd members! This week's newsletter is brimming with exciting content to discover. From a special message from Hannah, our daughter and butcher, to a tantalizing recipe with a bonus guide, there's something for everyone. Plus, keep an eye out for an exclusive offer on ground beef just for herd members, along with some savvy budget-saving tips. And again the survey makes an appearance with a plea! Dive in and explore this week's eddition!  Notes From Hannah...  We have no rambling from Ole Ma this week, but it's me, Hannah here instead, I'm ready to delve into a topic close to my heart: the art of butchery. In the age of convenience, this once-vital skill is fading into obscurity, but its importance cannot be overstated. Butchery is not merely about slicing meat; it's about reclaiming control over what sustains us, about honoring the life sacrificed for our nourishment, and about connecting with our primal instincts.  Read Ha

Notes From Hannah...

The Forgotten Art: Butchery as Empowerment We have no rambling from Ole Ma this week, but it's Hannah, her daughter here instead, ready to delve into a topic close to my heart: the art of butchery. In the age of convenience, this once-vital skill is fading into obscurity, but its importance cannot be overstated. Butchery is not merely about slicing meat; it's about reclaiming control over what sustains us, about honoring the life sacrificed for our nourishment, and about connecting with our primal instincts. As we navigate a world where food security is no longer a given, the resurgence of butchery takes on newfound significance. In an era of uncertainty, knowing how to break down an animal for sustenance is not just a skill—it's a form of insurance against the unpredictable whims of fate. It's a return to our roots, to a time when survival depended on resourcefulness and resilience. For women, stepping into the world of butchery can be particularly challeng

Handcraft Perfect Steaks Every Time!

Taking control of your food supply starts with making smart choices when purchasing meat. Buying in bulk allows you to invest in larger, high-quality cuts of meat, which you can then break down into individual portions tailored to your preferences. By mastering the art of cutting and preparing your own steaks, you not only save money but also gain control over the quality and quantity of meat in your kitchen. Breaking down a large cut of meat into steaks may seem daunting, but with a few simple steps, you can master the process and unlock a world of culinary possibilities. From selecting the right cut to wielding a sharp knife with confidence, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that your steaks are of the highest quality.  Selecting the Right Cut:   Choose a large, high-quality cut of meat such as a whole beef tenderloin, strip loin, or ribeye roast. Look for cuts with good marbling and a thick cap of fat for maximum flavor and tenderness. Trimming and Cleaning:   Before cuttin

Satisfying Savings

Empowering Your Kitchen: 10 Tips for Budget-Friendly Food Independence In today's economic climate, taking control of your food supply while staying within budget is a smart and empowering choice. By adopting strategic strategies and honing essential skills, you can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals while saving money and reducing waste. Here are 10 practical tips to help you take charge of your food supply without breaking the bank. Bulk Meat Buying Brilliance : Purchase meat in bulk from local farmers or wholesalers to enjoy significant cost savings per pound. Once home, divide the bulk purchase into smaller portions and freeze them for future use. This not only saves money but also ensures a steady supply of high-quality meat in your kitchen. Mastering Food Preparation : Consider taking classes or workshops on food preservation or preparation, such as a butcher class or canning workshop. Learning these essential skills empowers you to make the most of seasonal produc

Grown Up Rice Krispy Treat Recipe

Bringing Back Childhood Joy with a Grown-Up Twist Hey there, remember those Rice Krispie treats from your youth? The ones that made every day feel like a celebration? Well, get ready to relive those moments, but this time with a grown-up upgrade! We're talking Rice Krispie treats for the foodie in you. Picture this: gooey marshmallows, crispy cereal, and now, wait for it... a decadent drizzle of melted chocolate and a sprinkle of our Premium Smoked Salts! Grown-Up Rice Krispie Treats Ingredients: - 6 cups Rice Krispies cereal - 1 package (10 oz) marshmallows - 3 tablespoons butter - 1 cup chocolate chips or chopped chocolate (semi-sweet or milk) - Smoked salt (pick your flavor: Pepper Bacon, Spicy Barbacoa, or our latest obsession, Coffee Bourbon) Instructions: 1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan over low heat. 2. Stir in the marshmallows until they're all gooey and combined with the butter. 3. Take it off the heat and mix in the Rice Krispies until they're c

Ramblings From Ole Ma...

Spring has erupted here at the farm with a flurry of new life—baby goats, piglets, and baby bunnies galore. While caring for them keeps our hands full, there's an undeniable joy in witnessing the miracle of birth unfold before our eyes. But amidst the adorable chaos, there was a big (big) surprise waiting for this Ole Ma upon returning from a recent quick trip to Oregon—a journey filled with its own share of wonder and adventure. Driving through the Oregon countryside felt like stepping into a storybook, with fields of flowers and lush greenery stretching as far as the eye could see. The Gorge and the Cascades were nothing short of breathtaking, each vista more stunning than the last. But the highlight of the trip wasn't just the scenery; it was the precious time spent with people I love. I had tagged along on a trip my dear friend was making to pick up and retrieve her cart pony. The pony, Josie, looks like she walked straight out of a fairytale  with a

Salt Sensations: 10 Creative Ways to Elevate Your Dishes

Salt Sensations: Elevate Your Dishes with Creative Flair Unleash the full potential of your culinary creations with the magic of finishing salts and seasonings. From delicate flakes to bold smoked varieties, these flavor enhancers can transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary culinary experiences. Here are 10 innovative ways to incorporate finishing salts into your cooking repertoire: 1. Enhance Grilled Meats: Sprinkle a pinch of smoked salt over grilled steaks, chicken, or seafood to add depth and complexity to your favorite barbecue dishes.    2. Elevate Fresh Salads: Give your salads a burst of flavor by finishing them with a sprinkle of flaky sea salt or a dash of citrus-infused salt for a refreshing twist. 3. Upgrade Roasted Vegetables: Take roasted vegetables to the next level by tossing them with a drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of rosemary-infused salt before roasting for irresistible flavor. 4. Season Savory Snacks: From popcorn to roasted nuts, elevate y

Best Gift Ever....

How exciting! Today, on our 15th anniversary, we received a delightful gift– the arrival of three adorable goat kids! Mama, Salsa Rita, has given birth to not one, not two but three energetic baby boys, adding an extra dose of joy to our celebration. We woke up early this morning to  these tiny bundles of fluff and we couldn't help but smile thru sleep filled eyes, at the wonder of new life. Their little cries and adorable wobbly legs reminding us of the simple joys that surround us every day. Mama, Salsa Rita, just isn't the best mom, and so they will need bottle-fed and raised by us. We're more than happy to step in and lend a hand to ensure that these little ones grow up healthy and strong.  We know "Every good and perfect gift is from above... ." So as we celebrate this incredible anniversary gift we thank the Maker for this incredible gift of triplets! Two new sets of three on the farm this week. A week of double, triple blessings for sure!  Eeeee

Savor More Moments: Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks for Quality Time

Savor More Moments: 10 Time-Saving Kitchen Hacks for Quality Time In today's fast-paced world, spending less time in the kitchen means more time enjoying precious moments with family and friends. These time-saving kitchen hacks not only streamline your cooking routine but also open up opportunities for quality bonding experiences. By implementing efficient meal planning, prep-ahead techniques, and utilizing convenient kitchen tools like baking mixes and flavored salts, you can reduce time spent cooking and devote more energy to creating lasting memories with loved ones. Embracing the simplicity of one-pot meals and batch cooking allows for less time cleaning and more time engaging in shared activities and meaningful conversations around the dinner table. By delegating tasks and sharing the load, cooking becomes a collaborative and enjoyable experience, strengthening bonds and fostering a sense of togetherness. Incorporating these strategies into your cooking routine ena

Ramblings from Ole Ma...

Ramblings from Ole Ma: Well, folks, what a week it's been here on the farm, and what a special one at that! Last week, we celebrated the two-year anniversary of the Farm Stand, and now, it's our, Ole Ma and Pa's, anniversary. And let me tell you what a week it's been!   As many of you know, our dear Clyde has been feeling the absence of his longtime love, Big Bird, who passed away over the winter. His loneliness was palpable, and it weighed heavy on this Ole Ma's heart. So, we decided it was time to take charge and get some joy back into Clyde's life. With The Maker's loving guidance, we embarked on a mission to find him some new friends. And let me tell you, when opportunity knocks, it often knocks more than once. We received a message from a friend out of the blue last week. One we just knew would solve our dilemma. We ended up bringing not one, not two, but THREE new emus home to join Clyde. We were quite busy preparing and making provisions t

Chai Berry Cobbler

Indulge in the irresistible taste of homemade berry cobbler without spending hours in the kitchen! This Berry Chai Cobbler recipe is not only bursting with juicy berry goodness but also incredibly easy to make, thanks to Wonder mix. With just a handful of ingredients and a sprinkle of chai spice, you can create a dessert that will impress your taste buds and leave you craving more.  But the magic doesn't stop there – Wonder mix is your ticket to getting in and out of the kitchen with ease. Whether you're a baking enthusiast or just looking to satisfy a sweet tooth, Wonder mix streamlines the process, saving you precious time without sacrificing flavor. From cobblers to dumplings, Wonder mix is a versatile staple that transforms ordinary recipes into extraordinary delights. So why wait? Dive into the world of hassle-free baking with Wonder mix and treat yourself to the homemade goodness you deserve. With this Berry Chai Cobbler recipe at your fingertips, you'll b

Spring Splendor

Spring Sprouts: 10 Tips to Kickstart Your Growing Season As the sun begins to warm the earth and the days grow longer, it's time to prepare for the joys of spring gardening, whether in traditional garden beds or patio containers. Whether you're a seasoned green thumb or a novice gardener, getting your garden and containers ready for planting can set the stage for a bountiful harvest. Here are 10 tips to help you kickstart your growing season and get your garden and patio containers off to a great start: 1. Plan Your Plot :Take some time to plan out your garden layout, including both traditional garden beds and patio containers. Consider factors such as sunlight, space constraints, and aesthetic preferences when designing your garden and container arrangements. 2. Prep Your Soil : Good soil is the foundation of a successful garden, whether in the ground or in containers. Begin by testing your soil's pH and nutrient levels. If necessary, amend the soil with organi

Roasted Sunchokes

Looking to add a unique twist to your culinary repertoire? Say hello to sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem artichokes! These knobby tubers are a hidden gem in the world of root vegetables, offering a delicate flavor profile reminiscent of artichokes with a hint of nuttiness. If you're tired of the same old side dishes, sun chokes are here to shake things up. With their crisp texture and earthy sweetness, sun chokes are a versatile ingredient that can be enjoyed in a variety of dishes. Whether roasted to perfection, pureed into a creamy soup, or thinly sliced and tossed into salads, these humble tubers are sure to impress even the most discerning palates. Roasted Sun Chokes Recipe: Ingredients : - 1 pound sun chokes, scrubbed and thinly sliced - 2 tablespoons olive oil - 2 cloves garlic, minced - Salt and pepper to taste - Fresh herbs for garnish (optional) Instructions : 1. Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). 2. In a large bowl, toss the sliced sunchokes with olive oil,

Memories Made

  Looking through photos recently I came across this gem taken several years ago!  It was as though time itself had become a river, washing over me, carrying me back to a moment when the world felt both vast and confined. It was taken during Covid's shadow, remember how it loomed so large, yet amidst that storm, there were pockets of peace to be found.  We chose to defy the darkness by seeking solace in the open spaces, where the embrace of nature offered a balm to our weary souls. In the middle of social distancing, we found closeness in the laughter of our family, and simple joys of the farm guiding us like a lighthouse through that fog of uncertainty. The farm, too like an ever-changing water, has witnessed the ebbs and flows of life since that time. We mourned the loss of many cherished animals, their absence leaving an eddy in our hearts. Yet, in the quiet moments of higher tides, we found comfort in the promises of new beginnings and moms gave us babes who've gone on to b

Newsletter March 20, 2024

Welcome ... Thank you for being a part of our journey and for allowing us to be a part of yours. We appreciate your continued support and look forward to delighting you with more special experiences in the future. Until next time, take care and enjoy the flavors of the season! Hope  Springs  Eternal ...  As the buds of  spring  unfurl and life bursts forth on the farm, I can't help but marvel at the beauty of new beginnings. Our farm journeyed through a winter marked by unexpected challenges and moments of grief. Yet, amidst the shadows...   Full article here.  Beefy Savings... For a limited time, enjoy a $5 discount when you spend $50 or more on select cuts. Hurry, this offer is only valid until next Wednesday. And, it's only available at the Farm Stand. Stock up on premium beef and savor the savings! Egg-celent ... This is a fantastic recipe you won't want to miss. Diving into the world of Pad Kra Pao, this flavorful Thai dish is sure to tantalize your taste buds. Transla