
Showing posts from June, 2024

Setbacks Turned To Success In This Week's Newsletter!

Welcome to The Herd! Happy Wednesday, Herd Members! As we continue to navigate the aftermath of the recent theft, we're determined to find a way forward. This week's newsletter brings great insights on new beginnings and trying new things—like the fabulous collection of recipes we've discovered! Amidst these challenges, we're excited to unveil a jamming new offer and more. Join us as we turn setbacks into successes and forge ahead together. Ramblings From Ole Ma...  This Old Ma’s heart is full of gratitude! We opened the farm stand for just two days over the weekend, and oh, the love and support you all showed! It was like a balm for our weary souls. Your generosity lifted our spirits and reminded us of the community we’re blessed to be part of. As I watched folks come and go, sharing smiles and stories, it got me thinking about life’s surprises. You see...  Read Ole Ma's Ramblings Here!  Fresh Future... Navigating fresh starts is a journey often marked by both unce

Fresh Futures: 10 Tips For Embracing New Beginnings

Fresh Futures: 10 Tips For Embracing New Beginnings Navigating fresh starts is a journey often marked by both uncertainty and hope. At our farm stand, recent challenges have tested our resilience. The theft that shook us has been a profound hardship, yet the unwavering support from our community has filled our hearts with gratitude. As we look forward, unsure of the path ahead but determined to find our way, one thing is clear: fresh starts offer us the chance to grow, learn, and embrace new possibilities. In times of adversity, the kindness and solidarity of our supporters shine brighter than ever. Each act of support reminds us that we are not alone in facing challenges, and it strengthens our resolve to move forward with optimism and resilience. Here are 10 tips for embracing new beginnings: Reflect and Release: Take time to reflect on the past, acknowledge lessons learned, and release any lingering negativity. Clearing emotional clutter opens space for new possibilitie

Ole Ma's Ramblings

This Old Ma’s heart is full of gratitude! We opened the farm stand for just two days over the weekend, and oh, the love and support you all showed! It was like a balm for our weary souls. Your generosity lifted our spirits and reminded us of the community we’re blessed to be part of. As I watched folks come and go, sharing smiles and stories, it got me thinking about life’s surprises. You see, we had quite the unexpected event ourselves. One of our mama goats, who had recently come to us needing a home, surprised us by giving birth to the sweetest little twin baby girls. We didn’t even know she was expecting! Life sure has a way of throwing surprises our way, doesn't it? In the midst of all the hustle and bustle, the arrival of these new lives brought a moment of quiet joy. I found myself reflecting on the beauty of new beginnings and the unexpected blessings that come our way. It’s a reminder that even when things seem tough, there’s always a glimmer of hope and new li

Find Hope, Community, and Comfort in This Week's Newsletter

Welcome to The Herd! Hello, Herd Members! Amidst a challenging week, we're here with this week's newsletter. Discover comforting recipes, find tips to break through and brighten darkness, and, of course, read Ole Ma's heartfelt reflections. Join us as we find solace and share moments together. Ramblings From Ole Ma...  This week's newsletter will be a bit brief, as recent events have left our hearts heavy. There was a break-in at the farm, and it has been incredibly sad not seeing folks come and go, sharing in the simple joys of farm life. We've had to close the farm stand temporarily as we regroup and reassess.   Read Ole Ma's Ramblings About This Here!  Shop Online...  Good news! Just because the Farm Stand is closed doesn't mean you have to miss out on the farmy goodness! Did you know many of our items are online? Hop on over to our website to get your favorite jams, jellies, syrups, baking mixes, and more. Now more than ever, we need your support—visit u

Bright Beginnings: 10 Tips for Radiating Kindness in Your Community

Bright Beginnings: 10 Tips for Radiating Kindness in Your Community When trials come knocking, we have a choice—to let them dim our light or to shine even brighter. At our farm stand, we've recently faced challenges that tested our resilience. Yet, with each hurdle, we've seen our community come together with unwavering support and kindness. Inspired by this spirit, here are ways we can spread kindness and illuminate our community with positivity: Smile and Greet: Start small with a smile and a warm greeting. A simple "hello" can brighten someone's day. Random Acts of Kindness: Surprise someone with a random act of kindness, like paying for someone's coffee or leaving a thoughtful note. Volunteer Together: Join community volunteer efforts or organize a neighborhood cleanup to beautify shared spaces. Support Local Businesses: Show love to local businesses by leaving positive reviews, recommending them to friends, or making a purchase. Share Your Sk

Ole Ma's Ramblings

This week's newsletter will be a bit brief, as recent events have left our hearts heavy. There was a break-in at the farm, and it has been incredibly sad not seeing folks come and go, sharing in the simple joys of farm life. We've had to close the farm stand temporarily as we regroup and reassess.  It's a time of pulling in close, recalibrating, and finding our footing once more. The farm, which is usually a place of bustling activity and community, feels strangely silent without the daily interactions we cherish so much. Our hearts just aren't in it right now, as we navigate through this period of uncertainty and reflection. Through this, we lean on our faith and the comforting words of scripture. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." We hold onto this promise, trusting that even in this challenging time, He

Foraging Community Spirit: This Week's Farm Fresh Newsletter!

Welcome to The Herd! Hello Herd Members! In this edition, we're celebrating community spirit by highlighting our latest adventures. Discover our unique jams crafted from foraged Spruce tips, generously provided by a friends of the farm. Plus, hear about how little Farmer Raye, is getting a jump on her cleaned Christmas homeless drive and her current need. This week is all about how we're coming together to support each other! Read on to see the great things we have in store in this week's newsletter!  - Ramblings From Ole Ma...  The days have been long and dry, not just in the way of weather but in the silent absence of water. Our well, who's old and tired, suddenly fell silent. No water meant no life to the farm, and each turn of the faucet without response felt like a reminder of our dependence on this unseen source...  Read Ole Ma's Ramblings Here!  Spruce It Up...  Get ready to indulge in the taste of Idaho with our exclusive Spruce It Up pack, featuring our Spr

Romanowski Family Recipe: Rhubarb Upsidedown Cake

Romanowski Family Recipe Rhubarb Upsidedown Cake This week's recipe comes as a heartwarming gift from one of our dedicated community members, Bob Romanowski. His father's cherished recipe, now a treasured part of their family's culinary legacy, has been passed down with love and care. Bob graciously shared this special dish with us, embodying the spirit of sharing and connection that defines our community here at the farm. Bob's generosity extends beyond the recipe itself. He also shared photos of the original recipe and their family cookbook, allowing us a glimpse into the rich history behind this delicious meal. It's moments like these that remind us of the power of food to bring people together, bridging generations and creating lasting memories around the dinner table. At the heart of our farm community lies a passion for good food and shared experiences. Bob's contribution not only enriches our recipe collection but also strengthens the bonds th

Cultivating Connections: Tips for Building Your Community and Circle of Friends

Cultivating Connections: Tips for Building Your Community and Circle of Friends This past week, we faced a challenging situation when our well went out. As we worked tirelessly to find a solution, we were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from our friends. One by one, they showed up, each offering a piece of knowledge and a helping hand, ultimately leading us to a fix. It was a powerful reminder of the importance of community and the strength that comes from building strong bonds with those around us. Here are some great tips to help you cultivate connections, broadening your community and your circle.  Show Up : Be present for your friends and neighbors in both good times and bad. Your willingness to show up when it matters most will strengthen your relationships and build trust. Offer Help : Extend a helping hand whenever you can. Whether it’s lending tools, sharing knowledge, or simply offering a listening ear, your support will be appreciated and reciprocated. St

Ole Ma's Ramblings

The days have been long and dry, not just in the way of weather but in the silent absence of water. Our well, who's old and tired, suddenly fell silent. No water meant no life to the farm, and each turn of the faucet without response felt like a reminder of our dependence on this unseen source. Ole Pa worked tirelessly, his hands and spirit determined, but sometimes even the strongest wills can't force a solution. Over the course of several days, various friends arrived. Their presence was like a cool breeze on a hot day, bringing with it hope and camaraderie. Together, they worked, seeking answers. Their combined knowledge and perseverance were gifts from the Maker Himself. And then, a miracle – water began to flow again, albeit only a temporary solution, but it was enough to remind us of the power of community and shared burdens. In these moments of waiting and hoping, we found ourselves reflecting on the essence of friendship and the quiet miracles it brings. The

🌞Farm Fresh Fun🌞 Serving Up Delights And Savings In This Week's Newsletter

Welcome to The Herd! Greetings, Herd Members! As the midweek sun sets, it's time to gather 'round for another flavorful edition of our weekly roundup. We've been jammin' in the kitchen with a brand-new concoction that'll sweeten your summer spreads. Plus, we're serving up beefy savings that'll have you firing up the grill for every occasion. Speaking of which, this weekend saw our farm bustling with friends and family, sparking ideas galore for entertaining groups with farm-fresh fare. So grab your favorite beverage, settle in, and let's dive into this week's newsletter. Ramblings From Ole Ma...  We had a splendid time with friends over the weekend, the kind of gathering that fills the heart and feeds the soul. It wasn't grand or extravagant, just folks coming together, sharing a meal, and making a few memories. These are the moments we find most precious, where the simplicity of life reveals its true richness. Farm-life though didn't let us