Rambling Thoughts For Holy Week

We are right in the middle of Holy week and I am not sure I would be me if I didn't again post this reflection. Maybe you've already read it and need a refresher, or maybe you're new. But either way, here it is, just some more rambling thoughts from Ole Ma... So many verses this time of year, Easter and all. And growing up going to church faithfully and then into my adult life I've heard a lot of Easter sermons. Different views, different takes. Many different speakers sharing the word of God, following where led, shepherding their people. There's something though- a point of view, maybe it's called, that I have yet to have heard. I dunno why. Maybe it is my critter loving self that has it so poignant. Maybe it's because I'm just a weirdo and look at things different than most. At any rate... "Mark 11:2 ... saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ev...