
Showing posts from September, 2024

Graceful Goodbyes: 10 Tips for Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye can be an incredibly emotional experience, especially as we prepare to leave behind the familiar and the loved ones who have been part of our journey. The act of parting often stirs feelings of sadness and nostalgia, as we reflect on the memories we've created in these cherished spaces. It’s a moment filled with bittersweet emotions, reminding us of the connections that have shaped our lives. Yet, as difficult as it may be, these goodbyes also pave the way for new beginnings and opportunities for growth. Even when distance separates us from those we care about, there are meaningful ways to stay connected. Embracing technology allows us to bridge the gap through video calls, messaging apps, and social media, keeping our relationships vibrant. Sharing updates, reminiscing about shared experiences, and celebrating milestones can strengthen our bonds, helping us feel closer despite the miles. As we navigate these transitions, it’s essential to remember that w

Ole Ma's Ramblings

I’m starting and stopping so many times as I write- the words that don't want to come. It’s so impossibly hard to put my thoughts into words that I’ve even moved outside to look at the pasture, I've ventured to the barn and even back into the house. Now though I'm sitting under the gazebo where we recently had our Porkpalooza, the smoky aroma still emanating from the fire pit, a reminder of laughter and joy shared with friends and family and I feel as though I'm finally prepared to to get these thoughts to you all.  The wind tosses the leaves around me, mirroring the torrent of memories swirling in my head, tangling up my thoughts as I grapple with the weight. Our Porkpaloozas are always such a special time, but none more so than our most recent. Porkpaloozas are always a great time. We spent our evening eating massive amounts of good food surrounded by friends and family, their laughter blending with the scent of smoky porky goodness. The animals were in th

An Ode To A Farmer

The wind started blowing; the only thing moving on the farm. The big, blue Leyland tractor finally rolling to a stop. It's been sitting there now almost a full year, the longest it has ever sat.  The trees heavy and swollen with fruit that is going unharvested. Tangles of Tansy and Knapweed crowding out hay in the pasture while creeping Bind weed and Dandelion make themselves home amongst what used to be crops. The whittle white farmhouse falling into disrepair. A sad contrast to the crowning jewel it was just last fall. I'm getting ahead of myself here though. This story really began just shy of a century ago when Mr Glen Long was born.  Kansas couldn't hold him after his daddy died.  So at 14 years old he struck out towards the west where he heard he had some kin. Alone. Working hay fields and coal mines,  hoping trains and thumbing rides. He finally landed here in Bonner County at his uncle's house, destination accomplished. And now determined he set about bringing

Thriving Transitions: 10 Tips for Embracing Change

Thriving Transitions: 10 Tips for Embracing Change Change can often feel daunting, as it ushers in uncertainty and challenges us to step outside our comfort zones. Recently, we’ve been navigating some significant changes, and while it hasn't always been easy, it’s also been an opportunity for growth. Each shift has prompted us to reassess our priorities and redefine what truly matters to us. Embracing these changes has allowed us to discover new paths and possibilities, reminding us that transformation can lead to unexpected blessings. Through this journey, we’ve found several tools and practices that help us approach big decisions with clarity and confidence. Taking time for reflection, seeking guidance from trusted friends, and prioritizing open communication have all proven invaluable. By grounding ourselves in our values and staying connected to our purpose, we’re learning to embrace change not just as a challenge, but as a chance to align with our deeper goals and

Thriving Transitions: 10 Tips for Embracing Change

Change can often feel daunting, as it ushers in uncertainty and challenges us to step outside our comfort zones. Recently, we’ve been navigating some significant changes, and while it hasn't always been easy, it’s also been an opportunity for growth. Each shift has prompted us to reassess our priorities and redefine what truly matters to us. Embracing these changes has allowed us to discover new paths and possibilities, reminding us that transformation can lead to unexpected blessings. Through this journey, we’ve found several tools and practices that help us approach big decisions with clarity and confidence. Taking time for reflection, seeking guidance from trusted friends, and prioritizing open communication have all proven invaluable. By grounding ourselves in our values and staying connected to our purpose, we’re learning to embrace change not just as a challenge, but as a chance to align with our deeper goals and aspirations. Embrace Reflection: Take time to pause

Ole Ma's Ramblings...

What do we do when love turns bittersweet? When the gentle sway of a cow’s tail reminds us of joy, yet whispers of loss linger in the air? LadyBelle, our beloved firstborn, graced our farm with her presence, her gentle spirit and sweet nature surrounding us like a warm embrace. She recently calved, yet the silence of her lost calf echoes louder than the gentle moo that greets us each morning. Four gallons a day. Milk that flows like cherished memories—creamy butter, rich cheese, and homemade ice cream that dances on the tongue. We’ve tasted abundance, but now, amid injury and chaos, the weight of milking her grows heavy. Have you ever felt the pull of what’s good and right? Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us: “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Is this the season to hold tight or to let go? LadyBelle's sweet nuzzles and the warmth of her presence bring us joy and comfort. But life calls us to move differently, to release some of the hea

Notes From Hannah: Behind The Butcher's Block

Hey guys, a grateful Hannah here, stepping out from behind the butcher's block after a truly special weekend. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for the workshop. Your presence made it truly memorable. This weekend was notable for a couple of reasons. First, we had a deeply moving moment when my little sis, the touch as nails FarmHer Raye, decided it was time to say goodbye to one of her most special goats. After seeing the process with the pig, she knew it was the right time for her goat, who began showing signs that his injury as a young goat was now causing him pain in his older age. She knew his time had come. And so, right then, as we finished with the hog, we offered an impromptu goat slaughtering  lesson for those interested. It was an honor to assist Raye and give her very loved goat a meaningful place in our workshop. Witnessing Raye’s strength and love during this moment was incredibly touching and more so an honor. It's momen

Grief Guide:10 Tips For Healing After Pet Loss

Losing a pet, especially one that has been part of your daily life, can feel like a deep and personal loss. The bond we form with animals is unique—they give us unconditional love, companionship, and sometimes even a sense of purpose. When they’re no longer with us, it can leave an empty space that is hard to fill. It’s natural to feel sadness, and taking time to grieve is an important part of the healing process. Allowing yourself to remember the good moments and the connection you shared can be both comforting and a way to honor their life. When we lost our calf recently, it was a reminder of how fleeting those connections can be, especially with animals we care for every day. The routines and care we provide create a bond, and losing that can feel disorienting. It’s helpful to find ways to keep their memory alive—whether through sharing stories, creating something in their honor, or just holding space for the emotions that come. Grieving doesn’t follow a specific timelin

Huckleberry Jalapeno Baklava

It was such a joy to have the kids up this weekend. They were here to help out with the butcher class, but we also had some time to hang out and cook together. I wanted to make something a little special for them, something with a fun twist, so I came up with this take on a sweet and spicy baklava. We’re all huge fans of huckleberries, and the addition of jalapeño in the ricotta made it even more exciting. Topping it off with crispy smoky bacon added that savory element we all love. It’s always a good time when we can gather in the kitchen and experiment with new flavors. This huckleberry hot pepper baklava hit the spot, combining creamy ricotta with the tang of the huckleberry habanero jam. The buttery layers of phyllo added that satisfying crunch, and with the smoky bacon on top, it was the perfect mix of sweet, spicy, and savory. The beauty of this recipe is its flexibility—feel free to use any fruit jam you like and swap out the jalapeño for any other hot pepper to suit

Ole Ma's Ramblings...

The cost of joy. Mornings in the milking shed, watching the sun light up the mountains across the valley, and LadyBelle’s velvet body warming my hands—it seems like I’m living the perfect life. There’s a peaceful rhythm to it, the sound of milk hitting the pail, the way the sunlight filters through the milking shed. LadyBelle, our strong Jersey Angus, has always given so much—nurturing not just her own calves, but any that needed her. Now, in this season, she’s giving us fresh milk again, but this time without sharing it with a calf by her side. Because, just 48 hours after his birth, we lost him. He was lively, spunky, and full of promise. But in the chaos of the herd, wild with hormones, he was knocked around. Despite everything we did to save him, it wasn’t enough. Sitting there with him on the bathroom floor, his head resting on my lap as I tried to warm him, my heart turned cold. There’s nothing that cuts deeper than pouring your soul into a life, only to watch it slip

Curry & Chicken Pot Pie

This recipe for Chicken Pot Pie is our family's twist on a classic dish, featuring a hint of curry that the kids absolutely love. We enjoy the flexibility it offers; while the recipe uses pantry staples like canned chicken and frozen veggies, you can easily swap in whatever leftover chicken or fresh vegetables you have on hand. It’s a lifesaver for those nights when you’ve forgotten to take something out of the freezer. The best part is that with everything you need right in your pantry, it’s a quick and convenient meal that can still be packed with flavor. Ingredients : -  2 cans (12.5 ounces each) canned chicken, drained - 1 can (10.5 ounces) cream of chicken soup - 2 cups frozen mixed vegetables - 1 tablespoon curry powder - Salt and pepper, to taste - 1 package (14.1 ounces) Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed Steps : Preheat oven to 400°F. In a large bowl, mix the canned chicken, cream of chicken soup, frozen vegetables, curry powder, salt, and pepper until

Frugal Feasts:10 Ways to Save Money While Feeding Your Family

Frugal Feasts: 10 Ways to Save Money While Feeding Your Family With all the kids grown and living on their own, you’d think the days of feeding a big family would be over. Yet, no matter how much time passes, our boys still find their way back home, hungry and ready for a hearty meal. We wouldn’t have it any other way. There’s something special about gathering around the table together, and we’ve had to get creative with how we feed everyone without breaking the bank. Whether it's using what we have on hand or finding the best deals, we’ve learned a lot over the years about stretching ingredients and making the most of every meal. It’s not just about saving money—it’s about keeping our home-cooked meals special and ensuring that, no matter how many mouths we’re feeding, everyone leaves the table satisfied. 10 Tips to Save Money While Feeding Your Family Meal planning: Create a weekly plan to reduce waste and avoid last-minute takeout. Bulk buying: Purchase pantry staple

Notes from Hannah: Behind the Butcher's Block

Notes from Hannah: Behind the Butcher's Block Hi guys, Hannah here, popping out from behind the butcher’s block! I’m buzzing with excitement as we gear up for our upcoming 2-day livestock processing class. Teaching this workshop isn’t just about sharing skills; it’s about empowering others to connect deeply with their food and their own capabilities. It’s incredible to witness participants grasp the art of butchery, from humane dispatch to the final cuts, and seeing them light up with newfound confidence. Two weeks ago, I had a special experience that I can’t wait to share. A dear friend came down to visit and joined me on the slaughter truck. For her, it was an entirely new world—one she’d never encountered before. Watching her take it all in, from the meticulous processes to the respectful handling of the animals, was deeply rewarding. It’s moments like these that remind me why I love what I do. It’s about teaching, yes, but also about bridging gaps and breaking down