Ole Ma's Ramblings...

What do we do when love turns bittersweet? When the gentle sway of a cow’s tail reminds us of joy, yet whispers of loss linger in the air? LadyBelle, our beloved firstborn, graced our farm with her presence, her gentle spirit and sweet nature surrounding us like a warm embrace. She recently calved, yet the silence of her lost calf echoes louder than the gentle moo that greets us each morning.

Four gallons a day. Milk that flows like cherished memories—creamy butter, rich cheese, and homemade ice cream that dances on the tongue. We’ve tasted abundance, but now, amid injury and chaos, the weight of milking her grows heavy.

Have you ever felt the pull of what’s good and right? Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us: “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Is this the season to hold tight or to let go? LadyBelle's sweet nuzzles and the warmth of her presence bring us joy and comfort.

But life calls us to move differently, to release some of the heaviness. The weight of responsibility, the ache in my bones—what was once farming is now a burden. The milk is more than we know what to do with; it fills our fridges and pours into feed pans, threatening to drown us. It’s all too much.

We contemplate letting her go to another family, where children laugh and run through green pastures. Will she find a home where she can be cherished? Where her milk will nourish another family, where her spirit will continue to shine?

I close my eyes and picture her—grazing in the sun, her soft eyes reflecting the sky. Philippians 4:13 reminds us, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Even the hard things. Even the goodbyes that feel as heavy as the workload of keeping her.

This journey of life is strange. I’m reminded of the grace found in moments of uncertainty. LadyBelle will always be a part of our story, whether her hooves are in our soil or another's. In her sweetness, we find strength. In her presence, we find hope. And perhaps, just perhaps, there’s a new chapter waiting to unfold for both of us.

Helping others take control of their food supply is the absolute foundation of what we do here at this farm. So maybe that's just it—perhaps we offer her up, allowing another family to flow in her milk, to experience the grace that we find in her. To be flooded with love and self-sufficiency, dancing through the pastures, swimming through the simple joys that come from a life intertwined with the land, with the animals in this crazy little thing called farming.

Think she might be a perfect fit for your family? Message us today! 


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