Ole Ma's Ramblings...

Rambling Thoughts from Ole Ma:

As I write during the stillness of this quite morning, I’m reminded of the simple yet profound rhythms of life on our little humble farm.  We’ve built this farm life with our hands, guided by faith and the unshakable belief that each step, each moment, is part of a greater plan laid out by the Maker of all things. 
This week, my thoughts have lingered on the notion of growth—not just the kind you see in the garden or in the animals we raise, but the kind that happens within us. Growth that comes from learning new skills, stretching ourselves beyond what we thought possible, and trusting that, even when the path is uncertain, we’re being guided toward something greater.

I remember when we were first starting and I was deep into my Sustainable Food Production Through Livestock Management courses. Feeling a bit overwhelmed without the mentors I wished for, I vowed to become the guide I didn’t have. Now, as we open our farm to share what we’ve learned through the butchering and cheese-making classes, it’s about more than just passing on knowledge. It’s about fostering a connection to the land, to the animals, and to the community. There’s a deep satisfaction in knowing that what we do here helps others take control of their food supply, understand the process, and appreciate the work that goes into every meal. 

We also have animals ready to find new homes, from our smaller homestead hogs to the goats and rabbits that have been a part of our farm family. These creatures have been raised with care and respect, and it’s time for them to be a blessing to others.

So, as we move into this week, I encourage you to think about the growth happening in your own life. What new skills are you learning? How are you stretching yourself? And in what ways are you leaning into the path the Lord has set before you?

"For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." (Proverbs 2:6)

May this week be one of growth, learning, and the quiet satisfaction that comes from knowing you’re on the right path. And if you find yourself in need of some good food animals or wanting to learn something new, we’re here, ready to share what we’ve been given.


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