Ole Ma's Ramblings...

It's been so quiet around here lately. The once busy and bustling farm stand, alive with the sounds of friends stopping by and customers chatting, now feels like Sagle's best-kept secret. Day after day, it just sits there collecting dust, a far cry from the lively hub it used to be.

The emptiness can be disheartening. There was a time when the farm stand was the heart of our little humble ramshackle farm, a place where people came and went, sharing stories and laughter. Now, the silence is almost deafening. It feels like we're all alone out here, our efforts unseen and our wares unbought.

Perhaps though, in this stillness, there is a blessing. With fewer interruptions, and days spent making products for restocking I've found more time to spend in the bunny barn. Watching those fluffy ones hop and scamper brings such a smile to my heart. Their simple happiness, their complete contentment is contagious, a defense against the weariness that is also trying to occupy my heart.

It's a strange balance, this life we lead. The loneliness of an empty farm stand set against the pure delight of litter after litter of new bunnies. It reminds me that even when things don't go as planned, there are still moments of beauty and joy so easily found.  I sit here quietly, findings solace with the rabbits at my feet. 

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22-23)

And here, in the bunny barn this morning, that verse rings true. The promise of new beginnings and fresh mercies fills the air, and I can't wait to see what the day brings. Our farm stand is still open remember! It's stocked with our great homemade goods, and we're oh so ready to welcome you. Come on out, visit the stand and experience a bit of the peace and joy we find here every day.

Oh, and! If you are looking for bunnies be it for meat or pets, give us a holler! We have several ready now! 


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