Ole Ma's Ramblings...

Life has a funny way of bringing things back around, doesn’t it? This past week, here on the farm, we've been reminded of the beautiful blend of past and present. 

We recently had the joy of welcoming Ole Pa’s mom and her lovely husband David to our humble, little, ramshackle farm. It’s been eleven long years since we last saw her, and having her here felt like a long-lost piece of our hearts had finally come home. There’s something profoundly moving about sharing the place you’ve built with those who mean the most to you.

Family is the backbone of our lives. It’s the shared laughter, the quiet conversations, and the simple joy of being together that fills our days with meaning. Having Ole Pa’s mom here reminded me of the deep connections that tie us all together, no matter how much time has passed.

As we walked through the farm, showing her the animals and what we've built here, we both felt a deep sense of gratitude and humility. This farm isn’t just about the land or the work we do; it’s about the love and dedication that have gone into every corner. Seeing her eyes light up with appreciation made all the hard work and challenges feel worth it.

Proverbs 17:6 says, "Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children." This verse rang true as I watched the joy and pride in her eyes, as she listened to little FarmHer Raye regale her with endless animated stories of this crazy farm life. Ole Pa delighting in the special moments watching his mama finally comes to know the tenacious little tempest that is our daughter. It’s a reminder of the legacy we’re creating and the importance of family in our lives.

There’s a special kind of wonder in these reunions, a reminder of the love that binds us and the memories that shape us. Life on the farm can be demanding, but it’s these moments of connection that give it true meaning. It’s in the shared stories, the laughter, and the quiet reflections that we find strength and inspiration.

Psalm 133:1 beautifully captures this feeling: "How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!" Unity, family, and the love we share are the true treasures in our lives. As we move forward, these memories will sustain us, reminding us of the blessings we have and the strength we draw from one another.

Thank you for being part of our extended farm family. Your support and kindness mean the world to us. As we continue on this journey, we carry these moments of connection and love in our hearts, finding hope and strength in the bonds we share.


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