Warmer days ahead...

As winter blanketed the farm in its icy grip, we've grappled with the unavoidable truth that this season brings loss. While each departure weighs heavily on our hearts, two recent losses have been particularly significant.

Big Bird, our cherished emu at the age of 37, bid us farewell after many years of companionship. While her departure was expected due to her age, it has left a profound void in our hearts. During her final hours, as we noticed she wasn't doing well, we brought her into the warmth of our home. For her last 24 hours, she was nestled under a blanket, surrounded by the comfort of our presence. It was a peaceful and intimate farewell, a fitting end for our dear feathered friend.

Another somber loss that should be mentioned is the passing of Meri, our beautiful Berkshire sow. Taken from us tragically during the horrible cold snap that hit the Northwest. A fight with a basic infection coupled with that dangerous cold tipped the scales and unfortunately she just couldn't fight both. It was really heart-wrenching! Our beautiful girl multi time winner of Best In Show for Bonner County ,we will always be so proud of that pretty girl and treasure our memories with her. Another absence that serves as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life on the farm.

We navigate through these moments of sorrow and yet we find solace in the hope that spring brings. With the promise of warmer days ahead, we continue to remain steadfast in our commitment to nurturing and protecting our farm family.


  1. So sorry to lose your friends this winter. They were one lucky emu and sow to have you all as their humans :)


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