Hopping Right Along

It was right before the weather turned cold that our little FarmHer was gifted a colony of breeding rabbits. And true to rowdy Raye they couldn't just be cute cuddle buns, oh no! They had to of course be…  meat rabbits! 

Yes, meat bunnies! It wasn't just the rabbits themselves, it was all the things that go along with them too. She and Ole Pa were tearing up the road dragging home the happy hoppers and all the paraphernalia that go along with them like cages, water system, feeders and more. Somehow they even managed to sneak in another barn kitten to add to our cat herd. 

Now what? Raye, having grown up here where we have an almost obsessive need to provide more than adequate care for critters, decided the accompanying cages were not large enough. This, despite the fact that they are almost double in size of industry standards cages just wouldn't work for the pint size peanut. No, she wanted her bunnies living their best bunny lives in a happy family style colony. And that was just that! Y'all know she's an action girl and so it was she harangued her Pa to get started on a Bunny Barn. 

And that he did! Using posts and frame from a large swing set Ole Pa was able to construct a large 20x10 A frame style house. Plastic sheeting on one roof portion provides a wonderful natural light and tin siding keeps the predators (and possibly pugs) from breaking and entering. Raye is pleased as a plum with the new digs and the buns seem to be as well. 

The cute little buggers come hopping right up for scritches and scratches when the door opens. They are more than happy to hop up on a lap should a person choose to plop down around them. And more often than not, wandering back there leads down a rabbit hole of getting nothing done because it seems it is great plop in the bright sunlit shed seems the perfect place to be as winter just doesn't seem to want to let go. 

Ole Ma, with her colony of fluffy pet bunnies, is convinced bunnies are friends not food, but that seems to be the minority vote around here. We will just have to keep y'all updated as to where this meat rabbit tale leads as we start this adventure down the bunny trail! 


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