Some things remain much the same...

Last week a broken phone. This week, downloading photos from the cloud. A bit of a nuisance, however seeing a few of the photos again has been a  delight. 

Like this one of the little FarmHer when she really was little. We like to tease that she's our "feral barn child". Like the cats we have down there, she is full to overflowing with independence and she has doubled down on grit. 

Days like today when other kiddos would be pushed indoors by the rain she goes marching out. You can see by the photo she wears mud like other girls wore princess dresses. 

She will be bent though that the rain will keep folks from visiting the farm stand. We get it, who wants to head out when the sky is opening up. But for her it's just another day. For the brave souls that do venture out, she'll be there! She loves to talk about where we picked the berries for our jam, she will regale you with stories of the chickens who peck her grubby fingers when she collects their eggs. She will explain how she helped Dad feed the pigs last week that are now pork in the freezer this week and it's likely she will crack that million dollar grin as she says "we won't have to chase those ones back in" while pointing at the freezer. And she will puff up, straighten her shoulders and shake your hand while she looks you in the eye. She knows hard honest work when she sees it and she's proud of the work we do here. 

And she should be. We work hard to be your farmers and she has been right along side us through it all. 

Has she greeted you? What did you think? Was she the helping-est little helper that ever helped?

If you do muddle through this rain to come see us be sure and grab a Summer Six Pack! You can fill a bag with 2 packs chops, 2 packs bratwurst, 2 packs pork sausage for only $50!

Get it at the Farm Stand at 21 Shepherd Lake Loop in Sagle or


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