Where to begin...

A bit dizzy still this morning from the whirlwind of yesterday! It seemed a blur and we had no sooner opened our eyes and the sun was setting. And somewhere between life unfolded beautifully around us. 

The day started with the finding our favorite mama duck with fluffy yellow ducklings waddling along behind her. It was a joy filled moment because she was one we never dreamed would live let alone give us ducklings! And wonderfully enough it we a year and one day to the day that she was hatched. 

Not long after we hear the "beep, beep, beep" and rumbling groans of heavy equipment and see the neighbors coming down the hill. They were here to fix a road that has been a bane and caused us much frustration and lost time as we almost always got stuck, hung up or any number of things as we tried to get in. It's the main access to where our feed is and the road to the barn. But work on the main road has changed the slope and all the water had eroded the entryway to nearly impassable. We took turns tearing up as we dug and scraped and watched it all coming together. Seeing our neighbors giving so much of their time and strength to make our lives so much easier was truly fantastic. 

As we were busy up top we kept needing to dash down and meet so many folks at the farm stand. Y'all were turning out in droves to support us and as one car left and another pulled in our hearts were stretched tight they were so full. But one in particular was a dear sweet woman who we hold so close in our heart and memory. Hers is a personal story and not ours to tell but we can say that seeing her again after all these years just left us with a profound feeling. The last time she had been on the farm is truly one of our most precious and tender moments and one we often draw from when we need a reason to keep pulling up our boots and getting after it. 

Before we could even get hearts in check here came a hero with wrenches and sockets! He fixed our "good" truck! Fixed it- running better than it has in years! The truck has high mileage, like over 300,000 miles so we half suspected it might have been in the throws of death. But no, he fixed it! Selflessly giving us two full evenings of his time and impeccable skill and blessings us by the truck load! As we watched him we could only marvel and stammer out our "thank yous" because it was hardly conceivable, the skill, the kindness, truly a remarkable man. 

And so up and down the hill we went all day. Literally bouncing from blessing to blessing and back again.

This morning's sunshine isn't the only thing shining. We are still aglow with all the gratitude and as we gear up for another day of farming adventure we can't help but say "thank you Lord" because we know how truly blessed we are!

Maker's Long Acres
Get our pork at Makerslongacres.com or the Farm Stand at 21 Shepherd Lake Loop Sagle


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